
Current Blogging Goals!

When it comes to blogging, there is always something new to learn. In order to keep growing your audience and stay relevant, I believe it is crucial to set yourself blogging goals and do as much research as you can on how to achieve those goals. I wanted to share with you all my top 5 major blogging goals I have at the moment. I always feel super inspired and motivated reading other bloggers’ goals and really hope this post can do the same for you!

  • SEO

I am sure many of you are already aware of what SEO is and it’s importance for us as bloggers. For those of you who don’t, there is no need to worry as I too for the longest time had no idea what this was. I would constantly see this word being used by bloggers here and there and would instantly dismiss it as it all sound way too technical for my liking. SEO, short form for Search Engine Optimization basically requires you to do a variety of activities in order to optimize your blogposts for SEO- by doing so, your webpages will be listed higher on search engine results such as Google meaning more people can find your website, read your content and ultimately increase your traffic. I have already started doing my research on this and I am trying to learn and implement as much as I can; however I am still a little bit lost so this is definitely one of my major blogging goals. I would highly recommend any of you boggers out there to look in to SEO as it is said to have amazing benefits and really is not as hard to understand as it sounds.


I keep hearing bloggers say how you should not wait for opportunities to come to you but instead reach out to brands yourself and make the opportunities happen; however, I feel like for the longest time, something has always held me back from doing so. Thoughts such as “What brands should I reach out to? What should I write in the email? My blog isn’t big enough!, What if none of the brands reply to me? I should wait until I have this amount of followers or this amount of views” have not only held me back but filled me with self doubt. I have now realised that enough is enough and if I don’t take the leap, I will forever be stuck in this cycle. The time is never going to be right and I feel like all of us bloggers need to start believing in ourselves and the work that we do and know that we are worthy of such opportunities. After all, we spend hours of our day taking photographs, creating great content and promoting it. So, this is my second major goal which I am very excited to take on and truly believe I will see some great results!


I have literally been meaning to go self hosted with my blog for the longest time and I feel like writing it here in my blogging goals will perhaps make me more motivated to just do it already haha! I have read a lot that by investing in your blog and going self hosted, brands view you as a much serious blogger as opposed to not which I can totally understand why. I would love to know other bloggers thoughts on this matter and if you have recently gone self hosted, have you noticed any major positive changes come about from it. Anyways, this goal is definitely on top of my list so fingers crossed I can do it sooner rather than later!


Although I am currently happy with my content, I still want to improve it. Whether it is my writing style, my photos or the idea behind my blogposts- I want to make sure that my content is useful and fun for my audience to read. There is always room for improvement and so I definitely want to work on creating even better content for my readers.


When I first started blogging, I would spend hours reading blogs, not to say I still don’t do that but I have definitely fallen back on that a little bit. Not only does reading other bloggers’ content inspire me, but I always learn something new. Plus, we should all be supporting each other, no matter how big or small our blogs are and a great way of doing that is by reading each others content so that is my last blogging goal at the moment

What are your current blogging goals? Do you have any goals that are similar to mine? Let me know in the comments!

Thank you for reading! xx

130 thoughts on “Current Blogging Goals!

  1. These are all great goals! I don’t know anything about SEO yet, but I think I must start learning this. Haha.

    I’m practically new in this blogging world, and this is really helpful for me. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  2. hey, i’m quite new to blogging, i don’t about SEO yet, i am not quite sure what to do on my blog so can you help me with blogging? btw i am also reading girlonline that’s exactly why i made up my blog xx wanna bee friends?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That’s so cool! Ofcourse we should definitely be friends haha! Also, SEO is something I’m still working on and I feel I can only take full advantage of it when I go self hosted! I will definitely be checking out your blog! Do you have an insta? xx


  3. I really like your enthusiasm – One thing I would recommend from my experience. Instead of going to a self-hosted website. I would recommend going for WordPress paid plans. I can guide you through this.

    I was using self-hostel plan for 2 years and it didn’t even worth.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You have listed a few goal that are on my list as well. Number one is being self hosted. I have purchased my domain name for my blog but have not decided on who will host it. I guess I am afraid of loosing my content if I went with another host. I am sure it is a way to transfer the content but that is way too technical for me. I guess that is what keeps me from getting this done.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Monica! I’ve actually just recently purchased my own domain so I’m hoping it all goes well!
      I have used Siteground and used their free service where they are going to be transferring my site for me! I’ve heard great reviews on them and really am hoping everything goes well so I would suggest you doing the same, hope that was helpful although I will probably be making a post about going self-hosted! xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes they do! You should check their site out and they even have a live chat option where you can chat with someone and ask them any questions you have! xx


  5. On the issue of self hosting. It is the best. I am talking from experience . there is too much limitation using WordPress free version swear down. I have mover to self hosted platform for years and I tell you no serious blogger ever hosted on, you should give it a try as it open up your blog even more wider and better ranking among the top blog if you do things right. You have a nice blog. Keep it up.

    If you need help concerning moving your blog to self host platform. Holla me, I will be happy to help

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I actually went self hosted 2 weeks ago, and I totally agree with you! I’m so glad I took the leap as I’m able to do so much I could before especially being able to use google analytics and all!
      Thanks a lot for your comment! xx

      Liked by 2 people

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