
5 Simple Tips For Beautiful Hair!

In the past, haircare is something i have often overlooked as i didn’t feel it was as important as let’s say, taking care of my skin but recently i have started putting in more effort to ensure my hair stays healthy. I will be sharing with you all some simple tips that i have personally tried and found make the biggest difference to my hair and help them look beautiful, strong and shiny!

Hot water or cold water?

Let’s be honest, this is a never ending debate and everyone has their own opinion on this matter; but what works best for me personally is using both. First off, i use warm water and this basically helps open up your cuticle/pores to help absorb the nutrients from the shampoo and conditioner and help remove any dirt or oils deep within the hair. Once you have shampooed and conditioned your hair, make sure to give it one last rinse with COLD water to close your pores and soak in the moisture from the conditioner. This in turn helps your hair look healthy and shiny. (I actually get lots of compliments on my hair and its ‘shininess’ haha!)

Massage hair to stimulate hair growth

While shampooing, make sure to really get in there and take some time to massage your scalp. Not only does this feel super good and relaxing, it increases the blood flow to the the hair follicles which in turn helps strengthen the hair roots leading to super healthy and strong hair.

Do an apple cider vinegar rinse

ACV has so many amazing benefits for your body, skin and hair. When i first heard about doing an ACV hair rinse i was abit skeptical; however that all changed when i actually tried it out. No joke, my hair has never felt softer, silkier and cleaner. Just mix 2 parts water with 1 part ORGANIC apple cider vinegar, massage it into your scalp and let it sit for 5-10 minutes and then rinse out. It helps with dandruff/itchy scalp, removes product build up (this is actually why i used it because my hair always felt super greasy), increased shine and so much more. I HIGHLY recommend this!


T-shirt hair drying

I’m sure many of you have already heard about this trick, and if not then you are missing out! Instead of drying your with a regular towel, use a soft T-shirt instead, i know it sounds weird but here’s the reason behind it. Wet hair are weaker and a regular towel can actually be too aggressive to use at that point, absorbing the moisture from the hair which then leads to frizzy hair where as a shirt will absorb the excess water without being too rough on the hair. I was shocked at how soft and nice my hair felt after using this method so it’s worth a try!

Use Dry Shampoo

Unless you live under a rock and have no idea what a dry shampoo, you should probably already know how useful it can be. Washing your hair too much can strip your hair off of its natural oil leading to dry, brittle hair. I usually wash my hair twice a week, at most 3 and don’t worry if your hair gets oily super fast, you can simply train it to stop doing that by not washing it often. If it does get oily, just pop on some dry shampoo and you are good to go!


What are your favorite hair care tips? Let me know in the comments!

Thank you for reading! xx


82 thoughts on “5 Simple Tips For Beautiful Hair!

  1. Amazing tips
    The one I follow are using organic herbal mud hair pack from khadi. Mixed with aloe Vera gel and almond oil. Once a month maybe. The mud dries up and remove product build up on scalp. Aloe Vera and almond oil give strength and shine.
    I also swear by the t-shirt instead of towel tip.
    Using silk or satin pillow cover to avoid friction to hair
    Braids at night to avoid breakage
    Try these and tell me if you do notice a difference.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Omg, these tips sound amazing! I really need to go get silk pillow cases I’ve heard they are way better for your skin as well!
      I don’t braid my hair at night as I feel like my scalp feels too tight hahah, if that make sense! Thanks for reading and these amazing tips! ☺️💕


      1. Yes I have also heard about the skin part. And braiding does pull at hair sometimes but I do it in a loose braid for hairs along the length, try loose one someday.
        Happy to read your stuff !!
        You are welcome 😃
        Have a great weekend ahead !!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post! I tend to overlook haircare A LOT like I mean A LOT I just shampoo & condition it most days & forget about anything else really. Sometimes (when I remember) I run this argan oil thing through the strands which really makes it feel soft! I avoid towel drying my hair as I just get stressed out about getting my roots all loosened up haha does that make sense? Like I see some people proper rubbing that hard towel in their roots & I’m thinking like yo you’re basically just ruining your roots lol! I must give this t-shirt trick a try cause I just let my wet hair hang down & it gets my back all annoyingly wet. Dry shampoo is a lifesaver lmao! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 💗
      Same hereee, I don’t do half as much for my hair as I do for my skin! Argan oil sounds amazing, I’ll have to try that out.
      Hahah, I know what you mean I used to rub my wet hair really hard with the towel before and after finding out how bad that is, I stopped and this t shirt trick works wonders! ☺️💕

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I get what you mean, I have the same problem sometimes! But I’ve noticed a few things help.
      I put dry shampoo on my hair then night before and so when I wake up the next morning it had time to absorb the oil.
      Before I didn’t use to put enough dry shampoo, so make sure you really put a lot of product cause that’s what made it better for me. I really hope that helps! 💕💕

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooo, you should I definitely try those two tips! They have helped my hair feel so much softer! Haha, you should definitely get one, it’s such a good thing to have around especially when you can’t be bothered to wash your hair! 😅


  3. I’m quite bad when it comes to the temperature of the water :/ I love using really warm/hot water even though I know it’s not the best for my hair. I have very greasy roots, and I do have a full bottle of ACV laying around so I’ll be doing the rince next I’m going to wash my hair 🙂 There’s not scent left behind right? Cause it’s really bad hahaha 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No no don’t worry! The scent goes away atleast for me it did, while you are putting it on you can smell it but once you rinse it away I don’t smell it, but do give it a try and lemme know how it works for you!
      I love using hot water when taking a shower or bath too haha! 💕


      1. What I do is first I’ll shampoo my hair normally and then do an ACV rinse so you could do that, just make sure you wash all the ACV from your hair throughly! ☺️


  4. I agree with all of this! I used to do the hot/ cold thing all the time, really helps it not to fall out when you brush it too. I’ve been a little lazy with it lately though….and don’t like the cold in winter. You’ve reminded me I should probably start again soon x



  5. I really need to make more effort with my hair. It’s really curly so I find it hard to manage but I should try harder! Definitely going to give the apple cider vinegar trick a go as well as drying with a tshirt as my hair can easily frizz and hopefully a softer tshirt will help! X

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Some great tips! I stand by t-shirt drying, it is so much better for your hair than using a towel or hair dryer. The apple cider rinse is a favourite of mine as well x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I would say give it a try because I’ve read a lot of places that it’s generally supposed to very good for your hair, it made my hair hair super silky and soft so would be good for your dry hair! 💕☺️


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